build errors

Oliver Stieber oliver_stieber at
Mon Sep 26 17:14:03 CDT 2005

--- Phil Krylov <phil at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I can't build current CVS version of Wine:
> ../../tools/winegcc/winegcc -B../../tools/winebuild -shared ./kernel32.spec
> comm.drv.spec.o krnl386.exe.spec.o stress.spec.o system.drv.spec.o
> toolhelp.spec.o win87em.spec.o windebug.spec.o atom16.o error16.o
> kernel16.o registry16.o toolhelp16.o win87em.o  actctx.o atom.o change.o
> comm.o computername.o console.o cpu.o debugger.o dosmem.o editline.o
> environ.o except.o fiber.o file.o file16.o format_msg.o global16.o heap.o
> instr.o kernel_main.o lcformat.o local16.o locale.o lzexpand.o module.o
> ne_module.o ne_segment.o oldconfig.o path.o powermgnt.o process.o profile.o
> pthread.o relay16.o resource.o resource16.o selector.o snoop16.o stress.o
> string.o sync.o syslevel.o system.o tape.o task.o thread.o thunk.o time.o
> toolhelp.o utthunk.o version.o virtual.o volume.o vxd.o windebug.o
> wowthunk.o relay16asm.o kernel32.dll.dbg.o kernel.res
> -Wl,--image-base,0x7b800000 -o -L../../dlls
> -L../../dlls/ntdll -lntdll  -L../../libs/wine -lwine -L../../libs/unicode
> -lwine_unicode  -L../../libs/port -lwine_port
> comm.drv.spec.o( In function
> `__wine_stub_GETDCB': /home/phil/build/wine/dlls/kernel/comm.drv.spec.c:38:
> undefined reference to `__wine_call_from_16_long'
> stress.spec.o( In function
> `__wine_spec_stress_dll_fini': /home/phil/build/wine/dlls/kernel/stress.spec.c:297:
> undefined reference to `__wine_call_from_16_long'
> stress.spec.o(
> undefined reference to `__wine_call_from_16_long'
> stress.spec.o(
> undefined reference to `__wine_call_from_16_long'
> stress.spec.o(
> undefined reference to `__wine_call_from_16_long'
> stress.spec.o(
> more undefined references to `__wine_call_from_16_long' follow
> system.drv.spec.o( In function
> `__wine_spec_system_drv_fini': /home/phil/build/wine/dlls/kernel/system.drv.spec.c:303:
> undefined reference to `__wine_call_from_16_word'
> system.drv.spec.o(
> undefined reference to `__wine_call_from_16_word'
> system.drv.spec.o(
> undefined reference to `__wine_call_from_16_word'
> Am I the only one? Can you suggest something?
> -- Ph.

I had exactly the same problem, I found that cleaning out my local tree and fetching everything
from CVS fixed the problem.

I can no longer use .so's from older builds of wine with the current tree (which means I have to
merge all my local changes, and merge any regression tests).

Not sure what the cause of the problem it though.



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