buffer check in comdlg

Robert Shearman rob at codeweavers.com
Thu Apr 6 17:31:31 CDT 2006

Aric Stewart wrote:

>   if(fodInfos->unicode)
>   {
>     LPOPENFILENAMEW ofn = fodInfos->ofnInfos;
>-    strcpyW( ofn->lpstrFile, lpstrPathSpec);
>-    memcpy( ofn->lpstrFile + nSizePath, lpstrFileList, sizeUsed*sizeof(WCHAR) );
>+	if (nSizePath+sizeUsed > ofn->nMaxFile)
>+	{
>+		*((WORD*)ofn->lpstrFile)=nSizePath+sizeUsed;
>+        FILEDLG95_Clean(hwnd);
>+		EndDialog(hwnd,FALSE);
>+        COMDLG32_SetCommDlgExtendedError(FNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL);
>+		return FALSE;
>+	}
>+	else
>+	{
>+    	strcpyW( ofn->lpstrFile, lpstrPathSpec);
>+    	memcpy( ofn->lpstrFile + nSizePath, lpstrFileList, sizeUsed*sizeof(WCHAR) );
>+	}
>   }

This formatting doesn't look at all consistent, either with itself or 
the other code there.

Rob Shearman

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