Summer of Code Project: DirectPlay

Francois Gouget fgouget at
Mon Apr 24 06:47:22 CDT 2006

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006, Adam Luchjenbroers wrote:
> With the way DirectPlay works, we could provide our own provider and a
> compatible provider if we so wanted (at least, to the extent of my
> knowledge).

IMHO we should saves ourselves some work and only do the compatible 
provider since it will be needed anyway.

>>> True. but how does that sit with respect to reverse engineering? Any
>>> potential legal issues?
>> Presumably not since this is essentially how Samba is being developped
> Good point, do they adhere to any rules / procedures to ensure legality?

I think the following articles are a pretty nice description of how they 

  * How Samba was written
    by Andrew Tridgell

  * Myths About Samba
    by Andrew Tridgell

Francois Gouget <fgouget at>    
      The software said it requires Win95 or better, so I installed Linux.

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