SambaXP update, part 2

Kai Blin blin at
Wed Apr 26 17:20:16 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

now that SambaXP is officialy over, the samba team a couple of other
people have retreated to a smaller room to discuss other things.

Steve French had a talk about using CIFS on linux as a replacement to
NFS which seems to be pretty cool. A couple of other talks were given,
too, but if you're really interested, have a look at the schedule[1].

What was more interesting was that after the talks there was a panel
discussion where the samba team expressed interest in continuing
cooperation with Wine as discussed on last year's wineconf.

Steve asked how exactly we wanted the named pipes exposed and if we
could write up some testcases for that stuff. I think if anybody is
interested in working on that is to email Steve directly.

I got some more work on GENSEC done, but in order to really link this
together, some more work is needed. I still have things blowing up on me
when trying to use it for client-side sspi.

Well, that's it for today,

Kai Blin, (blin at gmx dot net)
The star of riches is shining upon you.

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