[ws2_32] connect doesn't generate FD_CONNECT event in non-blocking mode

Tijl Coosemans tijl at ulyssis.org
Fri Aug 4 09:50:31 CDT 2006


/* Prepare event notification for connect, makes socket nonblocking */
event = WSACreateEvent ();
WSAEventSelect ( mem->s, event, FD_CONNECT );
tmp = connect ( mem->s, (struct sockaddr*) &mem->addr,
    sizeof ( mem->addr ) );
if ( tmp != 0 && ( err = WSAGetLastError () ) != WSAEWOULDBLOCK )
    ok ( 0, "event_client (%x): connect error: %d\n", id, err );
tmp = WaitForSingleObject ( event, INFINITE );

When dlls/ws2_32/socket.c:WS_connect returns 0 (because unix connect 
returns 0) no FD_CONNECT event is ever generated and the call on the 
last line above never returns. So who's wrong, the test case or 

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