make test failure

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Wed Dec 27 07:43:44 CST 2006

"Kai Blin" <kai.blin at> wrote:

> Well, both emulate virtual desktop and managed windows are both ticked.

It's impossible to have managed windows in a virtual Wine desktop.

> I switched off the desktop emulation and reran the tests, giving me the following errors:
> msg.c:8624: Test failed: 15: ShowWindow(SW_HIDE): in msg 0x0046 expecting wParam 0x93 got 0x83
> msg.c:8624: Test failed: 15: ShowWindow(SW_HIDE): in msg 0x0047 expecting wParam 0x1893 got 0x1883
> This is on xorg 6.9.0-50.24 at i586, KDE 3.5.1

That one also fails for me, but passes for Alexandre. Wonder if that's another race.
Anyway having this only test failing sounds much more reasonable.


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