Link or rename wcmd.exe to cmd.exe?

Dan Kegel dank at
Mon Jul 3 01:58:27 CDT 2006

>>> [wcmd needs to start a window.]
>> Have you ever seen this be a problem in the real world?
>Yes. Start Progman, or some ther "shell" application, without an xterm (eg.
>through your WM or by running wine progman.exe &), then attempt to execute
>wcmd.exe (a standard operation I'd think, if you want to have a Windows shell
>running and subsequently want to get a Windows command line). You lose the
>ability to control wcmd, and can't kill it without manually running kill or
>killall on the process.

The case I care about most is:
in cron, or ssh'ing in without X forwarding, use wcmd.exe to run a batch file.

We need to be able to support both cases.

However, I'm not sure we need to solve the case you are discussing
any time soon.   Users who want to do what you're describing
can run 'wineconsole'.  Eventually, yes, it'd be nice to teach our
cmd how to do that without nuking the use case I'm most worried about.
- Dan

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