setupapi.dll: partially implement SetupDiGetClassDevsExA

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Thu Jun 8 11:32:27 CDT 2006

"Peter Beutner" <p.beutner at> wrote:

>> Don't be suprised if your patch isn't accepted.  ReactOS is considered a 
>> dirty reverse engineering project by many, and Alexandre has rejected 
>> patches using their code before.
> I thought they started auditing their code and removing any "dirty" parts?

At least for me their "auditing" mostly looks like a way to show to
the outside world that they are considering to avoid dirty practices
when they actually didn't change anything except public claims.

> And according to their website this process is nearly done.

What they want people should think about their project has nothing to do
with real state of affairs.

> btw. using their code as documentation to implement something on wine
> should be safe nevertheless, shouldn't it?

Not really IMO, nobody can hide their history, and all the things about
attempts to compile stolen Windows sources and disassembling practices.


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