Win64 patch 1/13

Ge van Geldorp ge at
Tue Jun 20 02:33:02 CDT 2006

> From: Mike McCormack [mailto:mike at] 
> > Except that dlls/ntdll/tests/generated.c was hand-modified.
> That would explain the rather large diff that I saw when I 
> regenerated these tests :/

Sorry, I mixed up two files :( I have no evidence that
dlls/ntdll/tests/generated.c was hand-modified (dlls/oleaut32/oaidl_p.c,
another file for which I sent a patch, was). After updating to current git I
saw that you already changed tools/winapi/tests.dat, but it seems the tests
were not regenerated (so the dlls/*/tests/generated.c files are out of
Should I send a patch with the regenerated files or is it easier if
Alexandre just runs tools/winapi/winapi_test?

Gé van Geldorp.

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