will the real winedbg experts please stand up / please stand up

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at wanadoo.fr
Thu May 4 14:39:26 CDT 2006

> I had expected that winedbg start printing something after "breaking
> into debugger" but before "X11DRV_CritSection wait timed out".
> I'm going to spend a lot of time fiddling with it now, I'd just like
> to ask if anyone has a ready explanation (while my story is still
> short enough to be readable in 5 mins)..  Anyone?
> If someone can enlighten me, I'd also like to know why a timeout
> occurs while in the debugger.  I had expected debugging to completely
> suspend the process being debugged?
well, that's strange, the program you stop in the X11 error handler. I 
tried it here and it works fine. what happens if you try starting the 
pgm from the debugger ?

Eric Pouech

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