Wine 1.0 Tasks

Dan Kegel dank at
Tue May 30 09:37:56 CDT 2006

On 5/29/06, Dan Kegel <dank at> wrote:
> I'd like one goal of 1.0 to be "make Windows developers take Wine seriously."
> To achieve that, I think 1.0 has to support at least some Microsoft development
> tools well, including their IDEs and debuggers.  It's probably unreasonable to
> require 1.0 to support .NET, so maybe supporting the last pre-.NET versions of
> Visual C++ (6.2?) and Visual Basic (6.0?) would be a good goal.

In support of the idea that people will dismiss Wine until it can run
the VB IDE,
here are a couple references on the web:
"... they will continue to dismiss the Linux platform as being no good
for programming until it hosts Microsoft Visual Basic."
"Using Wine/CrossOver Office was an attractive option, but in a lot of
ways it didn't solve the problem for the long term. Yes, I could get
the application as it was compiled to run on Linux, most likely. But I
had concerns about how to handle any fixes that might be required in
the future. I would still need to have a Windows desktop to run the
Visual Basic development environment."

These are only two voices, but I bet they speak for a lot of people.
- Dan
Wine for Windows ISVs:

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