loader: Mark the stack as executable if possible.

Marcus Meissner meissner at suse.de
Wed Nov 15 11:14:53 CST 2006

On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 05:58:44PM +0100, Peter Beutner wrote:
> Mike McCormack schrieb:
> > ---
> > 
> > This should fix bug #6622.
> The application in question doesn't crash because it needs an executable stack, but because the
> PE image header of the exe is totally broken, no section is marked as executable there at all.
> Wine does exactly what it should do here(same goes for Irfanview in #6129, seems both apps use
> the same exe packer(ASPack) so probably it's the packer which is broken).
> I bet the applications would also crash under windows if the noexecute protection is activated.

Actually check out dlls/kernel32/except.c:check_no_exec().

It marks pages as executable where code wants to be executed and actually should help in this
case. It does help for 2 cases (the 2 lines printed), but fails on the 3rd.
(It goes into an endless exception loop exhausting stack space.)

We need to find out why it fails for the 3rd.

Ciao, Marcus

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