Propability that application X works in wine

Robert Lunnon bobl at
Tue Oct 24 17:49:50 CDT 2006

On Wednesday 25 October 2006 08:11, Andreas Mohr wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 11:05:10PM +0200, Stefan Dösinger wrote:
> > Any ideas about that?
> One factor in the probability calculation would be the number of Google
> hits for the application name (the more common, the better debugged it must
> be), i.e. your popularity factor.
> Another one would be measuring the amount of APIs used by the program and
> its libraries (use winedump?).
> Andreas Mohr

I don't think this is very relevant. The probability of an application working 
would be related to the API "sets": touched by the application because wine 
doesn't have even coverage of all APIs,   So the Probability that an 
applications API use will work in Wine depends on the product of the 
Probabilities of  encountering an unimplemented call in each API and the 
criticality of that call - eg fatality of the missing functionality

This could actually be computed for a crossection of application to give a 
general prediction, if you knew the frequency of use for each API call in a 
representative population of applications, and the completion status and 
criticality of all the cals in each API (or even just the % complete of the 
API - the problem being that the probability of a call being used isn't the 
same for all entry point in a given API)  - By the way, in general this is 
called FMECA - Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality analysis - look up this 
topic for further ideas.

It'd make a nice University student project.


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