EnumServicesStatusA - Typical return structure contents with a working internet LAN connection

Duane Clark dclark at akamail.com
Wed Sep 20 11:15:47 CDT 2006

Nick Law wrote:
> I've never written anything under MS windows otherwise I would write a 
> small application myself that calls EnumServicesStatus & figure it out 
> myself. In fact maybe I will have to get myself a copy of visual C++ so 
> I can do these tests.

Have you looked at creating a conformance test to include with Wine? 
That would be preferable.

I guess you would create a new test file dlls/advapi32/tests/service.c 
with a test of this behavior. Take a look at the other tests already 
there to get an idea of how it is done.

Included there are instructions for cross compiling a Windows executable 
in Linux using MinGW. No need to get and learn visual C++.

> Regards
> Nick Law
> PS I'm new to this debugging without access to the applications source 
> code, so any hints & tricks would be appreciated.
> It looks like I may have to learn Intels assembler instruction set as 
> well!, which I don't mind. The last time I wrote an assembly language 
> program was 25 years ago on a PerkinElmer 3220 mini computer! So this 
> should be fun.

Ack... assembler? Hopefully that won't be required ;)

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