Problem with winelib

Steven Edwards winehacker at
Thu Dec 20 12:23:39 CST 2007

On Dec 20, 2007 1:42 AM, Nagarjuna Bandi <nagarjunabandi at> wrote:
>      Here i am getting problem with winelib when i trying to build the
> notepad application with the given guidelines in winelib user guide i had
> made the changes to Makefile you are specifying but i got another error msg
> like
>       This is the error i am getting so please let me know what is the
> problem and what i have to do for avoiding this problem.
>       I am expecting a fast response from you.

Also keep in mind that unless you need to directly call a native linux
api, doing a winelib port does not gain you anything over just running
the stock windows binary.

Steven Edwards

"There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and
that is an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo

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