shell32: update Polish translation

Jacek Caban jacek at
Tue Mar 13 13:55:53 CDT 2007

Hi Mikołaj,

Mikołaj Zalewski wrote:
> -	IDS_OVERWRITEFOLDER_TEXT "This folder already contains a folder named '%1'.\n\n"\
> -	    "If the files in the destination folder have the same names as files in the\n"\
> -	    "selected folder they will be replaced. Do you still want to move or copy\n"\
> -	    "the folder?"
> +	IDS_OVERWRITEFOLDER_TEXT "Ten folder ju� zawiera folder o nazwie '%1'.\n\n"\
> +	    "Je�eli w docelowym folderze wyst�pi� pliki o takich zamych nazwach jak\n"\
This is a typo, it should be "samych nazwach".


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