SoC idea: Get Java working well enough to run Tomcat, installers, etc.

Dan Kegel dank at
Thu Mar 22 16:17:05 CDT 2007

There are a lot of little bits in Wine that are missing before Java
can run smoothly.  (Yes, Virginia, we need win32 JVMs to
run in Wine, for many reasons: some installers require them,
some apps bundle them, and some people just plain want
to run the win32 version of some apps because that's what they're used to.)

For instance, this bug says that we need to implement a little
bit of IPv6 support to get Tomcat running:

And says
we have some bug in msvcrt that keeps some versions
of Java from running.

This would be very useful indeed, because of the installers
that require Java.
- Dan

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