shlwapi: Update exported API entries according to the info published by Geoff Chappell

Robert Shearman rob at
Thu Oct 25 06:17:01 CDT 2007

Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
> +1   stdcall ParseURLA(str ptr)
> +2   stdcall ParseURLW(wstr ptr)
> +12  stdcall SHCreateMemStream(ptr long)
> +168 stdcall ConnectToConnectionPoint(ptr ptr long ptr ptr ptr)
> +169 stdcall IUnknown_AtomicRelease(long)
> +172 stdcall IUnknown_GetWindow(ptr ptr)
> +174 stdcall IUnknown_SetSite(ptr ptr)
> +176 stdcall IUnknown_QueryService(ptr ptr ptr ptr)
> +184 stdcall IStream_Read(ptr ptr long) SHIStream_Read
> +185 stdcall SHMessageBoxCheckA(ptr str str long long str)
> +191 stdcall SHMessageBoxCheckW(ptr wstr wstr long long wstr)
> +199 stdcall IUnknown_Set(ptr ptr)
> +203 stdcall SHStripMneumonicA(str)
> +204 stdcall SHIsChildOrSelf(long long)
> +212 stdcall IStream_Write(ptr ptr long) SHIStream_Write
> +213 stdcall IStream_Reset(ptr)
> +214 stdcall IStream_Size(ptr ptr)
> +215 stdcall SHAnsiToUnicode(str ptr long)
> +217 stdcall SHUnicodeToAnsi(wstr ptr ptr)
> +219 stdcall QISearch(long long long long)
> +225 stdcall SHStripMneumonicW(wstr)
> +256 stdcall IUnknown_GetSite(ptr ptr ptr)
> +276 stdcall WhichPlatform()
> +280 stdcall SHRegGetIntW(ptr wstr long)
> +345 stdcall SHAnsiToAnsi(str ptr long)
> +346 stdcall SHUnicodeToUnicode(wstr ptr long)
> +353 stub SHFormatDateTimeA
> +354 stub SHFormatDateTimeW
> +388 varargs ShellMessageBoxW(long long wstr wstr long) ShellMessageBoxWrapW
> +418 stdcall MLFreeLibrary(long)
> +432 stub SHSendMessageBroadcastA
> +433 stub SHSendMessageBroadcastW
> +437 stdcall IsOS(long)
> +462 stub UrlFixupW
> +467 stub SHRunIndirectRegClientCommand
> +512 stub IStream_ReadPidl
> +513 stub IStream_WritePidl

These are all exported by ordinal only up to Windows 2003 SP1 (w/ IE 6.0).

+196 stub -noname SHVerbExistsNA #stdcall @(ptr ptr ptr ptr) dnsapi.DnsRecordSetCompare

You need to fix the name of the function in the comment here.

Rob Shearman

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