[Gdiplus try2 09/10] Implement GdipGetLogFontA

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Thu Aug 28 04:56:17 CDT 2008

Adam Petaccia <adam at tpetaccia.com> writes:

> +    lfw = font->lfw;
> +    memcpy(&lfw, lfa, FIELD_OFFSET(LOGFONTA,lfFaceName));
> +    MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lfa->lfFaceName, -1, lfw.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE);

The conversion should be the other way around, lfa is the output, and
you don't really need lfw.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org

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