
Stefan Dösinger stefandoesinger at
Mon Feb 18 16:33:58 CST 2008

Am Montag, 18. Februar 2008 06:34:04 schrieb Edward Savage:
> Maarten why not focus on supporting applications that don't have viable
> open source solutions first? I can think of hundreds.
> The only thing iTunes will add, with full support, is ipod syncing (that
> isn't useless).
> Or should we avoid that debate?
I think it would probably be better not to debate, but the issue is this: For 
you there are viable itunes alternatives, and for you there are other 
applications which do not have alternatives. Compare this to the discussions 
wether working on Microsoft Office is a waste of time or not. Everyone has 
other expectations, so it is *very* hard to judge which application will be 
useful and which not.

In the same way the usefullness of $APP in Wine differs from person to person. 
A bug which is worth a small remark on a review for one person is a killer 
bug for another.

To come back to iTunes, I have met a few people who considered Linux but were 
stopped by iTunes for various reasons. Some may seem laughable to tech-savy 
people(Other apps look differently), some are technically reasonable(iTunes 
shop, DRM support). Of couse you can find 100 reasons why AutoCAD is more 
important than iTunes, but you can also find 100 reasons why iTunes is more 
important than ACAD
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