autorun perhaps dangerous (Was: Wine release 0.9.53)

Peter Bortas bortas at
Sun Jan 13 07:27:33 CST 2008

On 1/13/08, Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry at> wrote:
> "Peter Bortas" <bortas at> wrote:
> > And a flag to turn off this behaviour. So far I've never had a setup
> > where I'd want the Run/RunOnce entries to execute.
> For instance Microsoft Office finishes its setup process when being run
> from the RunOnce key after reboot.

There are quite a few installers that use RunOnce to get around file
locking, but I still haven't had to use one fortunately. As I said, as
long as I can disable it. RunOnce wouldn't even have to be disabled,
I'd be happy with a "RunOnce wants to execute 'foo.exe blipp blopp',
'No, and clear it from registry', 'Sure' ".

Peter Bortas

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