RegOverridePredefKey stub

Robert Shearman rob at
Sun Jan 27 09:01:46 CST 2008

Jens Nestler wrote:
>  /******************************************************************************
> + * RegOverridePredefKey [ADVAPI32.@]
> + *
> + * Maps a predefined registry key to the specified registry key.
> + *
> + * PARAMS
> + *  hKey     [I] A handle to one of the following predefined keys:
> + *               HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
> + *               HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
> + *               HKEY_CURRENT_USER
> + *               HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
> + *               HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA
> + *               HKEY_USERS
> + *  hNewHKey [I] A handle to an open registry key. This handle is returned by the RegCreateKeyEx or RegOpenKeyEx function. 
> + *               It cannot be one of the predefined keys. The function maps hKey to refer to the hNewHKey key. 
> + *               This affects only the calling process.
> + *               If hNewHKey is NULL, the function restores the default mapping of the predefined key.
> + *
> + *  Success: ERROR_SUCCESS
> + *  Failure: the return value is a nonzero error code defined in Winerror.h
> + * 
> + * NOTES
> + *  The RegOverridePredefKey function is intended for software installation programs.
> + *  It allows them to remap a predefined key, load a DLL component that will be installed on the system, 
> + *  call an entry point in the DLL, and examine the changes to the registry that the component attempted to make. 
> + *  The installation program can then write those changes to the locations intended by the DLL, 
> + *  or make changes to the data before writing it

We appreciate your patch, but you're not allowed to copy information 
from MSDN into the Wine source like this.

Rob Shearman

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