CUDA wrapper

Juan Lang juan.lang at
Mon Jul 7 12:21:28 CDT 2008

Hi Seth,

> Now are you saying the code should be,
> retval, WINAPI wine_cudaGetDeviceCount( int* count ){
>     return cudaGetDeviceCount( count );
> }
> or should it be
> retval, WINAPI wine_cudaGetDeviceCount( int* count )
> or
> retval = WINAPI wine_cudaGetDeviceCount( int* count ){
>     return cudaGetDeviceCount( retval );
> }

None of the above.  retval was just a standin for a type declaration.
I don't know what the proper return type is, but Google does:  it's
cudaError_t.  So the proper declaration is likely to be:

cudaError_t WINAPI wine_cudaGetDeviceCount(int *count) {
    return cudaGetDeviceCount(count);


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