[6/10] [try 4] appwiz.cpl: Read installed application information from registry

Juan Lang juan.lang at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 13:10:32 CDT 2008

Hi Owen,

this patch goes rather over the suggested line length limit of 80.
Offending lines:
+    if (RegOpenKeyExW(root, PathUninstallW, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyUninst)
+    for (i = 0; RegEnumKeyExW(hkeyUninst, i, subKeyName,
+        if ((RegQueryValueExW(hkeyApp, DisplayNameW, 0, 0, NULL,
&displen) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+            && (RegQueryValueExW(hkeyApp, UninstallCommandlineW, 0,
0, NULL, &uninstlen) == ERROR_SUCCESS))
+            RegQueryValueExW(hkeyApp, DisplayNameW, 0, 0,
(LPBYTE)iter->title, &displen);
+                RegQueryValueExW(hkeyApp, DisplayIconW, 0, 0,
(LPBYTE)iter->icon, &displen);
+            RegQueryValueExW(hkeyApp, UninstallCommandlineW, 0, 0,
(LPBYTE)iter->path, &uninstlen);
+            if (RegQueryValueExW(hkeyApp, PublisherW, 0, 0, NULL,
&displen) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+                RegQueryValueExW(hkeyApp, PublisherW, 0, 0,
(LPBYTE)iter->publisher, &displen);
+            if (RegQueryValueExW(hkeyApp, DisplayVersionW, 0, 0,
NULL, &displen) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+                RegQueryValueExW(hkeyApp, DisplayVersionW, 0, 0,
(LPBYTE)iter->version, &displen);
+        /* reset the list, since it's probably changed if the
uninstallation was successful */

+        case WM_COMMAND:
+            switch (LOWORD(wParam))
+            {
+                case IDC_INSTALL:
+                    FIXME("Installer not implemented.");
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
This doesn't appear to have anything to do with the subject of the
patch.  In fact it's never used in this patch set, so you should just
omit it.

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