
Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Mon Jul 28 04:05:22 CDT 2008

On Mon, 28 Jul 2008, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:

> Seems like I'm losing the argument on the GCC side, so we'll really
> need to address those six or so warnings in our codebase by adding
> return statements I guess.

Hopefully they won't add a check complaining that this is an unreachale 
statement next. Are all the other cases unreachable too?

static DWORD CALLBACK timer_thread( void *arg )
    DWORD *system_time = arg;
    for (;;)
        *system_time = GetTickCount();
        Sleep( 55 );
    return 0;

Francois Gouget <fgouget at free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
     The software said it requires Win95 or better, so I installed Linux.

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