"remote" start/stop of relay/snoop output

Massimo max at veneto.com
Wed Jun 25 16:38:14 CDT 2008

Massimo ha scritto:
> Austin English ha scritto:
>> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 5:57 PM,  <max at veneto.com> wrote:
>>> I asked that question some years ago, and IIRC then it was not possible,
>>> so I resorted to add an external filter app in order to start/stop
>>> relays on an already running app.
>>> Filter app solved partially the problem : I could get the relay part I
>>> needed, but the speed was about the same as dumping the full relay on file.
>>> Now (as it was years ago for autocad r14...) I'm trying to trace some
>>> calls in autocad2005, but relay log becomes easily 10-20 GB in size, so
>>> quite useless.
>>> I think the log start/stop feature could be a *very* useful way to
>>> isolate needed relay part and to speed up tests.
>>> Is it still not possible nor faisible ?
>>> Max
>> http://www.winehq.org/site/docs/winedev-guide/dbg-control
> Well, pipe stuff is not bad, but solves half of problem.... the app runs 
> quite slower than with logs disabled. Maybe a cat pipe > /dev/null is 
> faster....?
> I still think that a sort of a "remote control" of logs, through a 
> device, for example, would be better.
> Max

I tried the "pipe way" but when I hit Ctrl-C to stop pipe output the 
wine app exits (cat pipe in one terminal and wine myapp in other, of 
course). Did I miss something ?


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