wine virus story

Pau Garcia i Quiles pgquiles at
Thu Mar 13 10:51:17 CDT 2008

Quoting Dan Kegel <dank at>:

> "I had set her up with a perfect Wine install. She had a bit
> of software that needed to run under wine and I had shown her
> how to install within that environment. Apparently, I wasn't
> specific enough. It never occurred to Paula that the .exe
> programs she had used on her XP machine were the vehicles for
> many of her present viruses. To her, it was perfectly fine to
> use those same .exe's...after all, she was in Linux, right?
> I got there within the same hour and checked her
> machine. Yep...Windows viruses will reside and create the same
> havoc within a Wine environment. Now, I've seen it with my own
> eyes. This time I reinstalled for her and made sure I found
> all the infected .exe's on the Windows side and deleted them."

Windows virus infecting Linux machines are a huge success for Wine.

Take that one Microsoft! Windows viruses run better on Linux than on  
Windows Vista!

Pau Garcia i Quiles
(Due to my workload, I may need 10 days to answer)

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