mono progress on mixed-mode assemblies...

Kornél Pál kornelpal at
Wed May 14 07:48:53 CDT 2008

> From: Steven Edwards
>>  So the question is: If the current authors permit to make msvcrt MIX/X11
>>  licensed would it be possible to make Wine's msvcrt MIT/X11 licensed for
>>  future releases as well (no legal question but philosophical)?
> You will need to review the git history and contact anyone that has
> contributed to msvcrt since the Wine changeover to LGPL and get
> permission.

Thanks for the information. This makes the list even shorter.

If contributors agree only the current version will be MIT/X11 licensed.

But I would like to know if the Wine community is willing to license msvcrt 
under MIT/X11 after that in the future in Wine's source repository to help 


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