Why I think it's worth fixing Valgrind warnings

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Tue May 27 02:02:56 CDT 2008

If you're wondering whether it's worth fixing Valgrind
warnings (after all, they are just warnings, right?):

First, some of the valgrind errors that show up
when running the test suite might be real bugs.
That might be enough reason right there.

Second, clearing out the valgrind errors that show
up in the test suite make it a lot easier to
find Wine bugs when running real apps on wine on valgrind.
(The lower the background noise level, the easier it is
to see the real problem.)

Third, if valgrind works well on wine, windows developers
might start coming to Wine just to run Valgrind on
their apps to find app bugs.  (Don't laugh!  It could happen!)

This is why I hired John Reiser to improve Valgrind/Wine support,
why I've been fixing a few valgrind warnings lately, and
why I think it's important for other people to start doing
it, too.

That said, it's important when fixing Valgrind errors to
really understand the code you're changing, lest you
paper over a bug with another bug, or make things worse.
(Here would be a good place for me to thank James for
his code reviews :-)
- Dan

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