uninitialized reference in wineconsole in call to WriteConsoleInput?

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Sat Nov 15 16:49:38 CST 2008

One more of the 100 valgrind warnings; this one is
in kernel32/tests/console.c (but really in wineconsole).
It's code Eric wrote six years ago, and the fix might be
as straightforward as using memcpy(&ir, 0, sizeof(ir)) in
Is there a better fix?

Short form:

SyscallParam wine_server_call WriteConsoleInputW
WCUSER_GenerateMouseInputRecord WCUSER_Proc call_window_proc
WINPROC_call_window DispatchMessageW WCUSER_MainLoop WinMain main

Long form:

  <what>Syscall param writev(vector[...]) points to uninitialised byte(s)</what>
  <what>Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation</what>

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