adding DEVICEMAP\HARDWARE registry entries

A C Hurst A.Hurst at
Mon Nov 24 07:08:53 CST 2008

> > Dear winehackers,
> > I sent this patch to wine-patches, with a few iterations of editing,
> > and wondered if I could have some feedback on it, before I just resend
> > it.
> I don't think hardcoding this(as this patch seems to do afaics, I barely
> know the code) is the right approach here. I think it should be created
> dynamically based on the devices that are configured

The code in oldconfig.c is called by process.c/__wine_kernel_init(), on server startup.
The entries are volatile, and are dynamically created if you count scanning wineprefix/dosdevices/
and doing a stat() on anything named com[1-9] it finds there every time wine starts up.
I could just call get_dos_device and let it do the stat calls, but it would be less efficient, and
you'd end up with registry entries for the successes of get_default_com_device, not just the ones
symlinked in dosdevices

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