version: check for out of memory when VerInstallFileA/W converstion. (response to coverity 635)

Rob Shearman robertshearman at
Thu Oct 2 09:37:39 CDT 2008

2008/10/2 Aric Stewart <aric at>:
> @@ -543,34 +543,50 @@ DWORD WINAPI VerInstallFileW(
>          len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, srcfilename, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
>          if ((wsrcf = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len )))
>              WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, srcfilename, -1, wsrcf, len, NULL, NULL );
> +        else if (len)
> +            ret = VIF_OUTOFMEMORY;

IIRC HeapAlloc(..., 0) returns a non-NULL value, so the "if (len)"
part is not needed.

> +    rc = VerInstallFileA(0x0, "in.txt", "out.txt", "C:\\windows\\temp", "C:\\windows\\temp\\test\\", "C:\\", tmpname, &size);
> +    ok (rc == 0x10000 && tmpname[0]==0," expected return 0x10000 and no tempname, got %08x/\'%s\'\n",rc,tmpname);

You shouldn't hard-code paths such as this.

Rob Shearman

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