Re[1] [user32: 2/2] Testcase for font size = 0x7fff

Koro webmaster at
Sat Oct 11 07:14:56 CDT 2008

> Is there a Windows version where CreateDialogIndirectParam fails?

It's not supposed to fail in Windows using the template that is passed 
to it. But it fails in WINE without my patch.

> What exactly this code is supposed to test? So far it doesn't test
> anything related to the font size.

As I said in part 1 on my patch, there is a "special case" for dialog 
templates where "font height" is 0x7fff.

Normally, the font specification of dialog template (DIALOGEX) would go 
like this:

WORD wPoint;        // point size
WORD wWeight;       // font weight
BYTE bItalic;       // 1 if italic, 0 if not
BYTE bCharSet;      // character set
WCHAR szFontName[]; // variable-length

However, should wPoint happen to be 0x7fff, the four next members "don't 
exist" anymore, and the dialog should use the message box font. 
Therefore the next thing that is supposed to be there is the first 
control definition (DWORD-aligned of course).

WINE failed to take this into account, and, since it read a few bytes 
too much by trying to read the 4 last members even in the 0x7fff case, 
it was all off into the dialog template, therefore reading all wrong 
class names/atoms, etc etc for the rest of the dialog, eventually 
totally failing to create it.

This test goes to show that (with my patch) WINE now does the right 
thing and skips them when the font size is 0x7fff, creating a dialog 
with one static control in it.

I also ran that code on Windows, and, as expected, the dialog and its 
static control gets created correctly and assigned the message box font.

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