[PATCH] msvcmaker: added COM_NO_WINDOWS_H to support midl-generated headers for __WINESRC__ components.

Rob Shearman robertshearman at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 10:48:41 CDT 2008

2008/10/18 Reece Dunn <msclrhd at googlemail.com>:
> When building the wine solution generated by msvcmaker, the components
> generate errors that projects that define __WINESRC__ should not
> include windows.h.
> I tracked this error down to windows.h being included from unknwn.h
> (generated from unknwn.idl). This is from the code generated by VC9's
> midl compiler.
> The midl generated code allows you to define COM_NO_WINDOWS_H to
> prevent the inclusion of windows.h. That define is thus added to those
> provided by msvcmaker.

Any reason why this hasn't been applied yet?

I've been testing with this applied and I believe it is an improvement
and gets more DLLs compiling.

Rob Shearman

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