wineboot: Basic RunOnceEx support v2 (with patch)

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Sun Sep 7 11:52:48 CDT 2008

"Johan Dahlin" <jdahlin at> wrote:

> +typedef HRESULT WINAPI (*DLLREGISTER)          (void);

This is still not right, have a look at other places that use pointers
to the exported win32 APIs.

> +typedef enum {
> +  ROEF_DISABLED = 0x00000000,
> +  ROEF_SHELLSTATUS = 0x00000004,
> +  ROEF_NOERRORDIALOGS = 0x00000008,
> +  ROEF_ERRORLOG = 0x00000010,
> +  ROEF_EXECUTELOG = 0x00000020,
> +  ROEF_NOEXCTRAP = 0x00000040,
> +  ROEF_NOSTATUSDIALOG = 0x00000080
> +} RunOnceExFlags;

Please use 4 spaces as an indentation like existing code does, here and
everywhere else.

> +static VOID *LoadProc(WCHAR* strDllW, const char* procName, HMODULE* DllHandle)
> +{
> +    VOID* (*proc)(void);

Why not use just 'void *' as a type for proc, since that's what you are
casting it to and returning to the caller anyway? Also using 'VOID' instead
of 'void' is not justified.


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