[PATCH] shell32: print the correct GUIDs in the shellpath tests.

Juan Lang juan.lang at gmail.com
Sun Sep 28 13:36:18 CDT 2008

Hi Reece, I'm not nak'ing your patch.  I just wanted to point out a simpler way:

-static const char *printGUID(const GUID *guid)
+static char *printGUID(const GUID *guid)
-    static char guidSTR[39];
+    char *guidSTR = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, 39);

Rather than allocating the necessary buffer, you can pass a pointer to
a buffer to printGUID, and have printGUID return that buffer.  Have
the caller declare two GUID buffers, and pass one for the expected
value and the other for the received value.

Cheers, and thanks for looking into the failing tests,

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