dlls/userenv: fixed stubs GetUserProfileDirectoryW/A (resend)

Paul Vriens paul.vriens.wine at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 10:36:29 CDT 2009

Andreas Rosenberg wrote:
> Thanks for your hints, Paul.
> I added some tests for the Ansi variant of the function
> and fixed the problem you mentioned.
>> I also think that your addition of _GetAccountNameFromTokenW is holding the
>> committing of this patch back, especially because you don't seem to use
> that
>> function.
> I also added an additional comment, why this function is not used.
> Maybe you didn't notice the comments later on. Hopefully this makes things
> clearer.
> Unfortunately I don't have enough knowledge to fix the LookupAccountSidW

You could start by adding some tests (if it's not there) for 
LookupAccountSid that shows the bug you mentioned.

> which is the reason why I did not use it, and why I'm still using
> GetUserName to make the function return a valid path.
> Is it regarded bad style what I did here? Any suggestions otherwise?

Well I don't think it will be accepted as is. We usually don't add 
functions that are not used anywhere especially when the comments say 
that there is a bug elsewhere that should be fixed first.

> Regards
>   Andreas



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