Simple but awesome demos of Wine?

Dan Kegel dank at
Sun Feb 1 11:48:01 CST 2009

I'm going to be giving a Wine presentation at
Cebit next month.   You can see a draft of the
presentation at
(I will say lots more than is written there; the
slides are kept simple on purpose, with just
the key idea in the caption.)

A large part of the presentation
will be demos of platium-rated apps.
Can people suggest compelling apps to demo?
Right now my list is kind of boring-sounding:
  Framemaker 7
  Kid Pix
  Photoshop cs2

It'd be nice to also have some games, but I don't
play enough to know which ones to pick.   I suspect
online games are out, since I can't count on an
internet connection.

I'm tempted to write an autohotkey script to demo each
app so I don't have to worry about fumbling mouse
clicks while on stage.  The ability to script would be
a nice demo itself.

This show is a big opportunity for us to
introduce Wine to a large audience, so
any help here would be appreciated.

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