AppDB: Rating / Patching

James McKenzie jjmckenzie51 at
Mon Jan 5 19:00:04 CST 2009

Björn Krombholz wrote:
> Hi,
> I started a discussion inside AppDB about the in my eyes "strange"
> Gold rating of Fallout 3 (it's actually just an example, other entries
> suffer the same problems). I know there was a discussion about the
> rating on this list last month, but as far as I could see my
> particular issue wasn't covered and I only just subscribed. So here
> goes a new thread.
> The appdb thread [1] is included below (prevent OT-cleanup deletion
> inside appdb). I don't expect anyone to read it completely, but I
> didn't want to repeat every argument again either. ;)
> The basic point is: Fallout 3 (a game) only works with a small -- but
> nevertheless -- patch, otherwise it will crash, no matter what
> dll-overrides/settings/3rd-party apps.
> >From how I understand the wording in [2], an app that requires a patch
> to run, can't get a gold rating. In fact, if there is no way to get it
> working in a vanilla wine release, then there is no other option than
> "Garbage" IMO. The various arguments for that assumption (possible
> breaking of other apps run by the same wine installation, regression
> tracking, etc.) are in the quote below.
> The maintainer tried to convince me that a gold rating is valid,
> because Fallout 3 works great with the patch applied. Well obviously
> he failed, and the discussion went away from Fallout in particular to
> a more general interpretation of [2]. I'm neither saying I'm right and
> he's wrong, nor the other way around. IMO both interpretation can be
> valid, depending on how you read "some DLL overrides, other settings
> or third party software."
> My suggestion now would be:
> * Clarify the wording on what "other settings" really means (my
> interpretation is mainly registry modifications with winecfg and/or
> regedit).
> * Add an explicit statement about patched wine versions. Something like:
>  - Any application that requires a patched wine to run MUST NOT be
> rated higher than "Garbage"
> (or whatever rating was intended for this situation).
> [1]
> [2]
> Björn
Here is the rating system as I see it and most others:

Platinum:  -- ALL functions are as they are in Windows with maybe minor 
usage difficulties WITHOUT change to Wine.

Gold --  ALL functions work as they do in Windows with only replacement 
of known broken dynamically linked library files.   No code changes are 
acceptable.  Patches, unless accepted by AJ, are not a reason to rate a 
program with this status.

Silver -- MAJOR functions work as they do in Windows with only 
replacement of known broken dlls. 

Garbage -- Program does not function with Wine even if broken dlls are 
replaced.  Needs major patching and/or repair work.

Sounds like you have the right opinion, the program should be rated 
Garbage as it does not work with Wine, even upon replacement of broken dlls.

James McKenzie

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