python regression tests - a monster hammer to keep wine "in check" :)

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at
Sat Jan 17 10:42:03 CST 2009

got it.

in stdio.h:

#if !defined _MT (which it isn't...)

__CRT_INLINE int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW getc (FILE* __F)
  return (--__F->_cnt >= 0)
    ?  (int) (unsigned char) *__F->_ptr++
    : _filbuf (__F);

#else  /* Use library functions.  */

_CRTIMP int __cdecl __MINGW_NOTHROW getc (FILE*);


consequently, MSVCRT__filbuf() is getting called _directly_.  and in
native MSVCRT.DLL, guess which function performs CRLF skipping, and
_guess_ which function _doesn't_ perform CRLF skipping in
dlls/msvcrt/file.c ?


On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
<lkcl at> wrote:
>> but the behaviour of msvcrt wrt crlf is _definitely_ not right, as it
>> stands, and as a result it completely screws any possibility for
>> running python.exe under wine.  completely.  you can't have files that
>> you write to, that are different from when they are read back.
>  ok .... this turns out to be a _really_ interesting edge-case :)
> lkcl at gonzalez:~/src/python2.5-2.5.2$ ./python.exe
> Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Jan 16 2009, 22:06:34) [gcc-mingw32] on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> f = open("tst", "w")
>>>> f.write("hell\n")
>>>> f.write("back\n")
>>>> f.close()
> [80]+  Stopped                 ./python.exe
> lkcl at gonzalez:~/src/python2.5-2.5.2$ more tst
> hell
> back
> lkcl at gonzalez:~/src/python2.5-2.5.2$ %
> ./python.exe
> f = open("tst", "r")
>>>> x = f.readline(5)
>>>> x
> 'hell\r'   <------- wrongggggg
>>>> f.readline()
> 'hell\n'  <-------- ah _ha_.  if you don't specify the length to be read....
>>>> f.readline(4)
> 'hell'
>>>> f.readline()
> '\n'
> will raise this as a bug, now that there's a known test case for it.

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