suggestions about MacOS DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH patch

Emmanuel Maillard mahanuu at
Sun Jul 19 07:10:34 CDT 2009

Le 18 juil. 09 à 04:06, Steven Edwards a écrit :

> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 9:13 PM, James
> McKenzie<jjmckenzie51 at> wrote:
>> Bundles are WAY more friendly than using the installer.  Installer
>> programs are meant to remain on the system.
> +1
> Also speaking of bundles I'm going to hijack the thread for a bit,
> I've got a rough patch going that enables winemenubuilder to be able
> to spit out bundles when shelllinks are installed. Its still very
> rough and needs to be redesigned a bit (and Alexandre is not totally
> sold on parts of the design) but at least its all C. Take a look at
> the attached patch and give me some feedback if your interested in
> helping.
> Thanks
> --  
> Steven Edwards
> "There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and
> that is an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo
> <update-bundler.diff>


Just few remarks about your patch :
- why you didn't use CoreFoundation API (plain C and already used in  
Wine) insteed of fprintf to generate Info.plist ?
- you don't really need a Carbon launcher. Just a plain shell script  
in MacOS for executable et voila ...
(sample joined, just edit MacOS/Notepad to set correct path)

IMHO In a more general way, it's not a good thing to touch user  
directory without letting him decide.
For application generated file you should used ~/Library/Application  
(see : 

And at last, an NSStatusItem seem's a better choice to me for a wine  
application starter, instead of fake app bundles.
Just generated description plist (dictionnary with app name, full  
path, arguments, and icon path ... and what ever you want) in ~/ 
Library/Application Support/Wine/WineMenuBuilder
and lets Helper application (your Bordeau's helper, WineHelper, or  
Mike Kronenberg one's) deal with theese files as they want.


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