SOC Project Idea: Winelib-aware scons

Scott Ritchie scott at
Fri Mar 20 18:50:11 CDT 2009

For a while now I've been hoping someone would tackle a pet project of
mine.  It occurred to me that it would be a great summer of code project.

Basically, I want a magic script that can convert a visual studio
project file into a winelib-aware, scons-powered, linux-compatible build
system.  This would make it very easy for a Windows-only Visual Studio
project to be ported.

Now, normally, someone writing portable code would probably want to use 
scons from the start instead of Visual Studio, but Winelib throws a 
monkey wrench into this process by making formerly non-portable code 
suddenly Linux compatible.

As a good example application to test, the program eMule would be a good
candidate - it's open source, works great in Wine, is built with Visual
Studio, and has no good native equivalents.

I've added a work in progress wiki page on the Wine wiki here:

I'm not sure whether this will function better as an scons summer of
code project or a Wine one, nor am I sure where a student would be able
to find a good mentor.  Accordingly, I'm emailing both mailing lists,
and hoping for some feedback, particularly if it doesn't sound feasible.

Scott Ritchie

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