SOC 2009: Application Test Suite

Austin English austinenglish at
Tue Mar 24 18:33:41 CDT 2009


I'm planning on applying for Google Summer of Code 2009. I'm pretty
sure most people reading this list already know me, but for those that
don't, I frequently triage bugs in Bugzilla, help users on the forum,
and a few other things. I've also done quite a bit of work testing
wine on more obscure OS's (OpenSolaris, FreeBSD, OS X,  NetBSD,

I'd like to implement an application test suite. It's something that's
been discussed for Wine for quite a while, but has never been put into
place. I took a bit of time a while back and hacked couple a couple
quick scripts as a test, and got a script to automatically install
Firefox 3 in Wine using AutoHotKey ( I've
made a couple more scripts as well, but they don't match Windows
behavior because of bug (
hint, hint (disclaimer, I haven't tested that script in a while, been
busy with exams, so that bug might be fixed...I don't think it has

My plan to implement it is to make a script, that can be used
standalone, in conjunction with Patchwatcher, or any other script, to
test wine against several real world applications. I make a very quick
proof of concept (attached), which is based off of winetricks. It's
_REALLY_ rough at the moment, (I haven't had time to mess with it
lately), but demonstrates the idea. The script setups a clean
WINEPREFIX, installs autohotkey, removes the Z: symlink for braindead
installers that search the entire hard drive, and sets up a link to
it's install cache (essentially winetrickscache). From there, it makes
a copy of this prefix, so on subsequent installers/applications, we
can restore the clean prefix and save a few seconds.

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