GSoC 2009

Tim Felgentreff timfelgentreff at
Sat Mar 28 15:30:34 CDT 2009

Owen Rudge wrote:
> If you have had exposure to Microsoft source code, then I believe I'm
> right in saying that you are not able to work on Wine, I'm afraid. 
I have written to the Software Freedom Law Center about this, but the License 
included with the Windows Research Kernel is actually pretty permissive (even 
allowing me to copy a small number of lines of code, actually. Which I wasn't 
going to do anyway though).

> I worked on the control panel last year, and was in the process of
> converting some winecfg pages to separate applets - indeed, there's some
> outstanding work in my git repository that needs finishing/merging (but
> I have had a lack of time to work on this year, sadly.) Assuming you
> aren't barred from contributing for the aforementioned legal reasons,
> then there is lots more work that can be done on improving Wine
> configuration and so on if you're interested in that. Theming and the
> test suite are also areas which could do with work though, and you may
> be able to make a more substantial project out of those areas.
Thanks, then I will have a closer look at the test suite and at the themeing 
stuff and maybe apply for a project in one of these areas.

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