Tracing weirdness in the kernel32:profile tests

Paul Vriens at
Tue Mar 31 02:42:00 CDT 2009


I'm trying to fix the remaining issues in the kernel32 profile tests. They have 
to do with the fact that we have extra '\r\n' on Win9x and that we need a 
timeout. The timeout is already in (1000 msec) but apparently that is not even 
enough on some boxes.

If I check the current results on one of my boxes I see:

profile.c:977: Test failed: File doesn't match
profile.c:992: Test failed: File doesn't match
profile.c:1007: Test failed: File doesn't match
profile.c:1019: Test failed: File doesn't match

This is exactly at the place where the ok() message is.

For debugging purposes I added

if (lstrcmpA(buf, data))
trace("buf  : (%s)\n", buf);
trace("data : (%s)\n", data);

to check_file_data().

When I now run the test I get (and I omitted the buf/data output here):

profile.c:835: Test failed: File doesn't match
profile.c:835: Test failed: File doesn't match
profile.c:835: Test failed: File doesn't match
profile.c:835: Test failed: File doesn't match

So the linenumbers are not the ones from the original ok() message but instead 
the ones from the last trace() message.

Any idea?



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