DIB Engine : passing all tests

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at codeweavers.com
Wed May 27 00:19:36 CDT 2009

"Massimo Del Fedele" <max at veneto.com> wrote:

> The driver loading mechanics is the gdi32 one duplicated in winedib.drv.
> winedib.drv just intercept DIB calls and forward others to *any* other
> driver. Again, in my thoughts that is a "transient" phase, at the end all
> dib processing should go inside gdi32.

Probably you need to have a look how support for truetype and other
fonts via freetype was added. Although there is an entity called "GDI
font" (with freetype support), still there is such a thing as device
fonts (suported by x11drv, psdrv or any other device driver). Make that
as an analogy: GDI font - DIB, device font - DDB. Adding support for GDI
fonts didn't require introducing any new "font driver", so adding a DIB
engine shouldn't add a new one as well. DIB engine should be a GDI32 pure
internal thing.


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