please test audio with WINETEST_INTERACTIVE=1

Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle at
Mon Oct 5 06:05:49 CDT 2009


when the WINETEST_INTERACTIVE variable is set, winetest.exe and
make test perform more checks.  These are in danger of bit-rotting.

E.g. dplayx is not tested at all without WINETEST_INTERACTIVE!

Please test the sound systems using WINETEST_INTERACTIVE
with and without hardware acceleration/emulation.

On my machines, several tests fail, whereas the tests without WINETEST_INTERACTIVE succeed.
- make dsound.ok, dsound8.ok or ds3d.ok:
 - Sometimes playing only for 837ms instead of 1000ms.
 - Sometimes producing noise instead of a sine tone on Linux and MacOS.
- crashes Wine on MacOS.

Please test again for every audio driver winecfg shows
(OSS/ALSA/Jack etc.).  That makes 2*N invocations.

Please test on MS-Windows as well. In a shell:
This may help show whether the tests or the audio drivers are broken.

On UNIX: WINETEST_INTERACTIVE=1 make test or make wave.ok
I also recommend you change runtest -q into -v in the Makefile or
on the command line.  This will show the test trace output.

When unset on UNIX, I still get some seemingly minor test failures.
The test report says that it played for 998ms instead of 1000ms
here and there.

Thank you,
	Jörg Höhle

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