Parsing output of wine's crash dump

Dan Kegel dank at
Sat Oct 24 20:09:23 CDT 2009

I've changed how the changes from the previous day's valgrind logs are
The diffs are now named diff-foo rather than foo-diff, e.g.
are the new bits of

I also filter them more heavily, and don't create a file if there
are no differences.  This makes it a lot easier to see
where the changes are, you only have to scan the first
few files in
and they're less noisy than they used to be.

It'd be easier, and I'd have better filtering, if there were some
text marker at the end of the crash dump.  Right now
I use

while (<STDIN>) {
 if ($skip) {
   $skip=0 if (/Threads:/);
 if (!$skip) {
   $skip=1 if (/Register dump:/);

to skip backtraces, but that leaves the thread info there, and diffs
in that aren't very

I see that "Register dump:" is printed in winedbg/be_i386.c; where is
"Threads:" printed?  (Not mdmp_dump(), that's something else, I think...)

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