
"Luis C. Busquets Pérez" luis.busquets at ilidium.com
Thu Oct 29 15:29:31 CDT 2009

Dear all,

Since d3d10effect has advanced a lot during the latest weeks I was 
wondering what are the next steps that you are planning to develop.

In particutar, I wonder about:
1. Do DepthStencil and RasterizerState present major differences in 
terms of capabilities compared to D3D9? I mean that coding 
<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee418970%28VS.85%29.aspx> is 
very easy once you have ID3D10DepthStencilState (just call 
ID3D10Device_CreateDepthStencilState for 
should only be recovering the data from a private variable).
Furthermore,  ID3D10Device::OMSetDepthStencilState is just a bunch of 
IWineD3DDevice_SetRenderState calls because I think that wined3d already 
implements all the required functionality, doesn't it?.
<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb173593%28VS.85%29.aspx> would 
be a bunch of IWineD3DDevice_GetRenderState.
presents the analogous thing (together with ID3D10Device::RSSetState), 
doesn't it?
2. For ID3D10EffectBlendVariable 
<http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee418962%28VS.85%29.aspx> I 
think that that is different. what are the major difficulties concerning 
the capabilities that D3D10 offers compared to D3D9 conerning blending 
and do you see them achievable beofre this year ends?
3. Last, for ID3D10Device::RSGetViewports/ID3D10Device::RSSetViewports 
and ID3D10Device::RSGetScissorRects/ID3D10Device::RSSetScissorRects, the 
difficulty may lay in accepting in the wine driver more thatn one 
rect/viewport. Do you agree? Are you planning an upgrade in wined3d to 
refer to *rect rather than rect in the stateblock definition? The 
analogous question applies to viewports.

I was wondering all that because I am considering asking Santa for D3D10 
games for next Christmas and would like to know the roadmap of wine 
D3D10 development.

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