Status of LoadLibrary and .so

Nicholas LaRoche nlaroche at
Thu Sep 10 23:51:28 CDT 2009

Paul Chitescu wrote:
> On Thursday 10 September 2009 22:10:37 Joe Dluzen wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> back a few years ago it didn't:
>> Does anyone know of the status of LoadLibrary and a .so? Can it load
>> directly or is there a workaround that does not involve multiple
>> processes and some sort of IPC?
>> thanks,
>> Joe
> Hi!
> If the problem is to use LoadLibrary() on a native (not windows native but 
> posix or whatever) .so you can always write a wrapper that links to 
> the .so and internally calls its functions. The glue code acts as a 
> compatibility layer for the differences and also insulates the native code 
> from the win32 compatible code expectations.
> Directly loading a .so just like it were a or a .dll doesn't make much 
> sense because:
> - There are differences in the argument types, calling conventions, register 
> usage, thread local storage, exception frames.
> - Any file name, handle or similar resource would need conversion.
> - There are support functions that use mutually incompatible structures (like 
> native free() called on a MSVCRT malloc()ed memory block).
> - The expected internal structure of a module cannot be loaded - this may not 
> be a big issue but needs work in the loader code to provide a stub.
> The other way around, loading a DLL from a non-winelib process is generically 
> not feasable and in all but the most trivial (and tightly controlled) cases 
> needs different processes and IPC. Most Windows DLLs expect a fully 
> functional environment to be already set up including exceptions, 
> synchronization objects, local heaps, security, handles, consoles, user 
> interface, COM. That's what winelib does - it provides this environment.
> Paul

Perhaps the step of creating a wrapper file could be automated by 
a script that checks the exports (or headers/signatures) of the target 
.so file and generates a Win32 C stub for each export. This might reduce 
the development overhead needed to support a native .so library despite 
not being able to load it directly. Instrumenting the target .so library 
within the file would be required (as the parent points out).


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